A+ Classroom Resources

SPARK your classroom or program with an A+ Lesson Guide

Scroll down to find the collection of Arkansas A+ Lesson Guides. We are busy creating additional guides that will be uploaded after they are completed, so check back for more very soon. If you use one of our guides in your classroom, please let us know! We would love to know how it worked and hear any feedback that you have to share.

Energizers & Team Building Activities (all ages/grade levels)

All of the following Lesson Guides are Google Drive files.

Teachers engaged in the Use Your Noodle Energizer exercise

All Ages | USE YOUR NOODLE | Energizer

Teachers engaged in Noodle Ball exercise

All Ages | NOODLE BALL GAME | Energizer

Teachers learning about the Energizer exercise

All Ages | GESTURE NAME GAME | Energizer

The first teacher engaging in the Energizer exercise

All Ages | SHAKE DOWN WARM-UP | Energizer

K-6 Lesson Guides

stone erosion to show weathering

Grades 2-5 | WEATHERING | Science & Art

Mobile as illustration for structures

Grade 3 | MOBILES | Science & Art

Structures - coiled wire in a seahorse shape

Grade 4 | STRUCTURES | Science & Art

Painting of pioneers or refugees

Grades 3-4 | CIVIL WAR… | History & Art

Discussion at museum on perspective

Grades K-4 | PERSPECTIVES | History & Art

A handmade spinner

Grades 5-6 | SPINNERS | Science & Art

7-8 Lesson Guides

snowy hill

Grade 7 | ECOSYSTEMS | Science & Art

Gold robed person or icon on a horse

Grades 7-8 | REFRAME | History & Art

Painting of pioneers or refugees

Grade 8 | CIVIL WAR… | History & Art

9-12 Lesson Guides

Mural about native tribes

Grades 9-12 | FIRST NATIONS | History & Art

Gold robed person or icon on a horse

Grades 9-12 | EURO IMPACT | History & Art

Gold robed person or icon on a horse

Grades 9-12 | REFRAME | History & Art

Painting of pioneers or refugees

Grades 9-12 | CIVIL WAR… | History & Art

Watch this video for an introduction to Arkansas A+ and the 8 A+ Essential!
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